Monday, January 26, 2015

One Week

Tomorrow will be seven days since God took you away. Those seven days have gone by so fast.
I think I have ran out tears, but just when I think that... I start crying. I sleep on your side of the bed and only your side of the bed. I keep praying that this is all a nightmare and I will wake up soon to you right next to me. Waking up to your kisses are what I miss the most.  I hate waking up without you and going to sleep without you. I miss the feeling of your lips and your arms around me.
The aftershave you would put on every morning that I thought was too strong is now always on my wrist so I can smell you, constantly. In my mind you're on a very long vacation where I can't talk to you...and any day you're going to walk through our front door.
People don't know how I'm able to be in our house but this is our home. I have to walk around the area where I found you laying, the way your eyes looked at me when I found you...I can't get out of my head. I question every second if there was something I could of done, why couldn't I see the signs over the weekend.
I don't know how to live in a world without you, I don't want to breathe without you or even wake up.
We did everything together, we were planning our future. We had the names of our children, we already knew the type of wedding we would have, and even the house we planned having.
Our future was taken away from us...
Can't believe it's been one week...

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