Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It's more real at night

It's weird laying in this bed, or even in this room. Being in the dark makes me think even more, but everything is still the same in here. Your towel is hanging up on the closet door just like always, the fans are going because for some reason we both couldn't sleep in silence. Your button down shirts are in the corner, waiting to get dry cleaned and your phone is plugged in. Only thing that is missing is you, and your arms around me and let me not forget your snoring. How I hated your snoring but now it's the thing I  miss the most. What I wouldn't give to be able to wake you up to tell you stop snoring... Even though I know me telling you wasn't going to stop you. 

Our relationship is based off of our nights. We started dating and most of the time I was at your place in Gainesville. I'd get off of work and you were at your house waiting for me with ALWAYS a sweet tea and occasionally one of your meals. I always thought that eventually that was going to stop but it never did... Those nights were the best because we would sit on the couch or lay in bed and talk for hours! Laying in your arms and talking is what made me fall in love with you. Being in your arms was home and always will be. The one thing you loved the most was me scratching your back and rubbing your head and oh how I did that EVERY night! We moved a year later to tampa and the roles switched, you rubbed my feet and back EVERY night. 
Most nights here in Tampa we were so exhausted from work, but when you'd put your head on my chest I couldn't resist to rub your head.  I was so happy and content with you laying right next to me, I didn't need anything else in my life. I want you back so much, it's a pain that I can't even put into words. 
I know one thing, we told each other we loved each other so much every day... That at least I know it was real. I know that you passed away knowing that I love you and always will. 

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