Sunday, February 15, 2015

4th Sunday

I haven't posted in a while, my emotions are a roller coaster, my life right now is a roller coaster! Valentines day was a sad day for me, but yet again every day is a sad day for me. I never knew that I could feel this kind of pain. I am missing Joey so much and him being gone hits me harder every day. I wake up every morning and I force myself to go back to sleep, I force myself to close my eyes and think about all the times I had with Joey and than I dream of him and it's so much better than being awake. 
Valentines day just made me think of last years valentines day.. Season 2 of house of cards was released and we watched that after we got off of work. I am missing Joeys embrace and his smile and his voice. He was home to me and now I'm lost. I'm in this world, lost and numb. We had so many more things to do, so many more adventures and Joey and I will never do them! I'm having a hard time letting that go. 

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